GrCo on-site students get extra time off to give teachers more time with remote students

Greene County teachers are doing “a fantastic job” in dealing with all the extra demands presented by holding school during a pandemic, but they’re “overwhelmed beyond overwhelmed,” school superintendent Tim Christensen told the school board at its regular meeting Sept. 18.

He requested approval from the board to hold remote learning only for high school students this coming Friday, Sept. 25. The following Monday, Sept. 28, was already scheduled as a day off for all students for staff professional development. He said giving the construction crews still working at the new building a four-day weekend would let them finish some projects, and the day of remote learning for the entire school would provide an opportunity to test how that will work if/when it becomes necessary. Teachers will likely provide about 15 minutes of instruction online during each class period and then be available to students via Google Classroom.

He also recommended early dismissals Fridays Oct. 9 and Oct. 23 for all students to provide a chance for teachers to connect with remote learners.

He said the board will discuss in October adjusting the schedule to provide teachers time without on-site students on a regular basis. That would ease the challenge of keeping up with both groups of students.

“We want to do what’s best for teachers, but at the same time there are families – it’s a balancing act,” he said. He may suggest changing the schedule, but not until January to give families time to plan.

The board okayed the schedule changes.

Board treasurer Sid Jones presented the 2019-2020 annual treasurer’s report. Board secretary Brenda Muir presented the 2019-2020 certified annual report, the special education supplement and the annual transportation report.

The board re-appointed Steve Karber as its representative to the Iowa Association of School Boards delegate assembly. The assembly will be held remotely in November.

The board approved change orders for work at the middle school, adding $32,500 for work to the ceiling of the vocal music room and $16,737 for work on the wrestling room. The board also approved a bid from Resilite for a 4,062 sq-foot wrestling practice room mat of $28,027.80.

The board set its goals for the 2020-21 school year, having discussed them at the August work session. A new goal for the year is to develop a 3-5 year facilities plan via the facilities committee. Other goals are the same as last year: prioritize the physical, mental and emotional health and safety of all staff and students; explore new ways to interact and communicate effectively with students, staff, parents and the public; continue implementation of the district career guidance plan toward a 100 percent graduation rate, using IJAG and the career academy; continue to monitor and maintain $1 million in unspent balance authority; and create an environment that encourages student enrollment and attracts/retains quality staff, including recruitment of students from other district to the Iowa Central Career Academy.

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